For the better part of a decade, the Keeping Kids Healthy TV series helped moms and dads keep their kids healthy and safe, and helped them become better parents. This information-rich TV series ran on hundreds of TV stations in the U.S. and abroad, and its value was recognized with five Emmy Awards and a total of fourteen Emmy nominations during its years of production. The program also won a Telly and two National Media Awards from the National Mental Health Association for Best Program in the Country about Mental Health. Keeping Kids Healthy was produced by Rich Sabreen Enterprises for Montefiore Medical Center in association with Thirteen/WNET New York.
Rich Sabreen Enterprises creates breakthrough television that can't be ignored. We are experts at identifying special audiences, creating programming for them, and building ratings success. The perfect example? Our ten seasons of the Keeping Kids Healthy TV series on Public TV stations around the country.
Keeping Kids Healthy completed 10 seasons of production, with 130 completed episodes, and won its fifth Emmy Award.